Refunds and complaints

We are very sorry that you are not satisfied. But we can assure you that we will do our best to fix it. Dateio, as the operator, will ensure the earliest possible settlement. The complaint will be handled by the supplier who is listed in the detail of the specific experience.
PART OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS (full text can be found HERE), as of 8/16/2023

I. Complaint
1. The Dateio supplier is obliged to provide clients with the services specified on the website in accordance with the concluded contract, these GTC and generally binding legal regulations.
2. If the supplier does not fulfill its obligations arising from the contract in a proper and timely manner, the client is obliged to complain to the provider about defects in the service provided without undue delay, but no later than 14 calendar days after the end of the service. In the event that the provision of the service did not take place at all, the client is obliged to complain to the provider about defects in the provided service without undue delay, but no later than within 14 days of the month following the first day on which the service was to be provided.
3. The client is obliged to file a complaint and is obliged to state the order number and describe the defects of the service provided.
4. The client makes a complaint about the experience with the supplier of the experience, or with the company Dateio. The company Dateio (if properly informed about the complaint) guarantees the client for the proper course of the complaint procedure.
5. The service provider will handle the complaint without undue delay, but no later than within 30 days from the date of its proper application. In case of rejection of the claim, the service provider will issue a written (e-mail) justification to the customer.
6. In the event that the client properly makes a justified claim, he has the right to eliminate defects in the service provided, and if this is not possible, he has the right to a reasonable discount on the price, compensation.
7. If it is already clear to the client when applying or using the service that the services are not being provided properly, Dateio recommends that the client secure evidence of defective service provision to facilitate a possible complaint or claim for compensation for damages (take photos, video recording, confirmation by witnesses, etc.) and submit them to the service provider when making a claim or asserting other claims.
8. Every client is also a consumer, and is entitled to contact the independent centre for the resolution of consumer disputes in the Czech trade inspection (ČOI) and start a free out-of-court negotiation process. You can find details about the conditions and the method of starting out-of-court proceedings at (or here:

II. Dateio's responsibility
1. Dateio is a mediator of experiences – services between the client and suppliers. At the same time, Dateio guarantees the client for the proper delivery of experiences or services.
2. Dateio is not responsible for any damage incurred by the client in connection with the provision of services, either by the service provider or by a third party. However, Dateio guarantees the client for compensation for the damage incurred.
3. Dateio does not guarantee the truthfulness and completeness of the description of the service and is based only on the information supplied and provided by the supplier.
4. Any claims from liability for damage or injury related to the services, or from defective performance (complaint), the client applies through the program's website. In such a case, the client can also use the option of out-of-court dispute resolution and contact the entity of out-of-court dispute resolution, which is the Czech Trade Inspection ( and proceed according to the rules stated on its website.
5. Dateio is not responsible for the content of the websites of suppliers providing services or for possible violations of the rights of third parties that suppliers may commit through their offers (intellectual property rights, personality rights, etc.).
6. The provision of mediated services will further be governed by the general terms and conditions or the specific terms and conditions of the service provider.

We are here for you

We'll respond to your message in 24 hours during working days from 9am - 5pm.
The experience program is operated and the security of your data is handled by Dateio s.r.o., with the authorization of Visa Europe Services LLC. The quality of the services provided is guaranteed and any complaints are handled by the individual suppliers. The specific terms and conditions of the experience program can be found in the Terms and conditions and Privacy policy.
Dateio s.r.o. | Beníškové 1285/7, Praha 5, Košíře | VAT: CZ02216973 | registered with the Municipal Court in Prague, file No. C 216820