When you're thinking of how to make a loved one happy, don't forget the magic of bouquets. Ecuadorian roses, perhaps accompanied by champagne or pralines, are sure to put a smile on a face of your loved one or smooth over what went wrong.
PLEASE NOTE: We may withdraw the offer early if the allocated quantity is sold out.
We come with an exclusive range of bouquets, to which you can order a delicious champagne or a collection of pralines. You can choose a beautiful bouquet or a modern floral box, but it's always Ecuadorian roses complemented by fragrant eucalyptus and wax. You can choose your delivery day on the calendar after selecting the basic parameters.
If you would like to add a message to the flowers, please use the comment box below the WHERE TO DELIVER information. The message will be on a card, in an envelope and attached to the flower.
Bouquet description:
Variants of the order:
Delivery Information:
To make the roses last as long as possible
How to care for a flower box:
After ordering, please wait for the coordinator from BellesFleurs.cz to contact you to arrange the details. The coordinator will call you as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours after the order has been placed on working days.
By ordering, you agree to be contacted by BellesFleurs.cz, which will process your order completely.