Fishing with Josef Dostál

If you don't feel like a two-hour training session with a top athlete, you can go fishing with Pepa. Whether you fly fish or prefer to troll, there’ll definitely be enough time to talk about Pepa’s sports journey.

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Come fish with the four-time Olympic medalist and five-time world champion!  

Don't risk falling off the boat and go fishing with Pepa instead. Besides fly fishing, Pepa can also fish with a rod. While fishing, there will of course be time to discuss any topic with Pepa.


  • time frame: 2 hours
  • for: 1-2 participants
  • location: fly fishing in Troja or trolling in Prague Chuchle

Josef Dostál is a Czech speed canoeist and a passionate fisherman who regularly goes out to catch fish during training camps in his free time. He is a five-time world champion. He has a bronze medal from the 2012 Summer Olympics in London and the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio with a four-kilometre course. In Rio 2016, he also won a silver medal in the singles kayak over the same distance. In Tokyo 2020, he won bronze over the same distance in the double kayak.

After booking your experience, please wait for the Experience Program Coordinator to contact you to arrange a convenient time and details. The coordinator will call you as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours after you submit your order on working days.

By ordering the experience, you agree to be contacted by Sportegy s.r.o., which will ensure the realization of the experience.


Troja or Chuchle
will be discussed
2 hours
up to 2
Content of the experience:
fishing and inspiring conversations

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