Comprehensive health check COMPLEX+

The examination includes a comprehensive, carefully designed set of examinations that go beyond the scope of prevention covered by public health insurance. It takes into account the latest statistical data on the health status of the Czech population and focuses on early diagnosis of diseases that are the most common causes of long-term morbidity and mortality. Together with the check-up you will get access to MEDDI app.


The price of this experience will be displayed after clicking on the button
"VERIFY CARD" and entering the first 8 digits of your Visa card.

All the tests under one roof!  

The COMPLEX+ one-time comprehensive health check-up also includes access to MEDDI app, where you can use:

  • Meddiapp - Family (for two adults and up to 4 children under 18) free for 3 months
  • Bioscan within meddiapp - unlimited for 3 months
  • VIP support line available 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM (weekdays only)

(access to the app will be arranged by the coordinator)

Comprehensive examination by a general practitioner/internist

  • Basic vital signs, patient measurements (height, weight, blood pressure, pulse, BMI)
  • Medical history: family, personal, gynaecological (for women), pharmacological, allergological, social and occupational, substance abuse, checking regular vaccinations
  • Physical examination focused on current health status
  • Orientation examination of sensory organs (vision, hearing), cardiovascular system, respiratory system, digestive system, urogenital system
  • Palpation of lymph nodes
  • Orientation examination of the skin, pigmented nevi and skin adnexa (hair, nails)
  • Resting ECG and its description
  • InBody analysis

Diagnostic Imaging Centre

  • Sonographic examination of the upper/lower abdominal cavity and carotid arteries - for patients over 40 years of age
  • Comprehensive skin examination by a dermatologist, including full-body mole examination by digital dermatoscope

Laboratory tests: haematology: blood count with differential, diabetology: glycaemia (blood sugar level), lipid spectrum: triacylglycerols, total cholesterol, HDL and LDL cholesterol, liver tests: ALT, AST, ALP, GMT, total bilirubin, kidney tests: creatinine, urea, uric acid, mineralogram: Na - sodium, K - potassium, Cl - chloride, endocrinology (thyroid): TSH (thyrotropin), inflammatory markers: quantitative determination of CRP (C-reactive protein), tetanus antibody testing, tumour markers: PSA (prostate specific antigen) - total and free in men, urine: chemical and microscopic urinalysis.

Final interview with the doctor: final medical report, interpretation of individual results, possible comparison with previous examinations, evaluation of trends and recommendations for further steps.

The photos are illustrative.

After ordering, please wait for the Visa Experience Program Coordinator to contact you for more detailed information and to arrange a time. The coordinator will call you as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours after your order is placed on a business day.

By placing an order you agree to be contacted by companies MEDDI hub a. s., which will ensure the implementation of the medical examination.


by agreement
Time requirement:
about 2,5 hours
30 250 CZK
examinations may vary depending on age and gender

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Comprehensive health check EXCLUSIVE+

The examination includes a comprehensive, carefully designed set of examinations that go well beyond the scope of prevention covered by public health insurance. It takes into account the latest statistical data on the health status of the Czech population and focuses on early diagnosis of diseases that are the most common causes of long-term morbidity and mortality. Together with the check-up you will get access to the MEDDI app.

We are here for you

We'll respond to your message in 24 hours during working days from 9am - 5pm.
The experience program is operated and the security of your data is handled by Dateio s.r.o., with the authorization of Visa Europe Services LLC. The quality of the services provided is guaranteed and any complaints are handled by the individual suppliers. The specific terms and conditions of the experience program can be found in the Terms and conditions and Privacy policy.
Dateio s.r.o. | Beníškové 1285/7, Praha 5, Košíře | VAT: CZ02216973 | registered with the Municipal Court in Prague, file No. C 216820