White and pink bouquet or flower box

Make someone happy just like that. With a beautiful bouquet or a modern flower box made of magnificent Ecuadorian roses, you won't go a step wrong. Complement the flowers with champagne or pralines and you're guaranteed to put a smile on their face.

PLEASE NOTE: We may withdraw the offer early if the allocated quantity is sold out.

The price of this experience will be displayed after clicking on the button
"VERIFY CARD" and entering the first 8 digits of your Visa card.

Dazzle with Ecuadorian roses  

We come with an exclusive range of bouquets, to which you can order a delicious champagne or a collection of pralines. You can choose a beautiful bouquet or a modern floral box, but it's always Ecuadorian roses complemented by complete with fragrant accessories from the flower family. You can choose your delivery day on the calendar after selecting the basic parameters.

If you would like to add a message to the flowers, please use the comment box below the WHERE TO DELIVER information. The message will be on a card, in an envelope and attached to the flower.

Bouquet description:

  • Bouquet white-pink = 4x alstromeria pink, 3x wax pink, 4x 50 EQ roses, 3x 50 EQ roses, 4x carnation, 5x freesia, 5x eucalyptus
  • Flower box white and pink = 4x alstromeria pink, 3x wax pink, 4x 50 EQ roses, 3x 50 EQ roses, 4x carnation, 5x freesia, 5x eucalyptus, 1x white round box 26*15 cm.

Variants of the order:

  1. Bouquet white and pink
  2. Bouquet white and pink + Champagne Charles VII Blanc de Blancs
  3. Flower box white and pink
  4. Flower box white and pink + Swiss collection of Lindt premium pralines 230 g

Delivery Information:

  • WHERE WE WILL DELIVER: Please fill in the contact details of the person being gifted carefully so that we can ensure the smoothest delivery of your bouquet.
  • The cost of shipping and handling is 49 CZK.
  • In Prague you can choose from morning and afternoon delivery from Tuesday to Friday.
  • Outside of Prague we deliver between 8:00-18:00, the flower is delivered in a water pack, from Tuesday to Friday.
  • Delivery is possible up to 2 working days after ordering.
  • Information about the delivery process will be given in the email you will receive 48 hours after the order is placed.
  • On the day of delivery, a text message will be sent to the recipient with the courier's information. By e-mail the orderer is also informed not only about the delivery, but also subsequently about the delivery of the order.

To make the roses last as long as possible

  • Every day, cut the stems by at least 2 cm with a knife. It is important that the cut has a slight slope.
  • Change the water every day. The water should be lukewarm but not warm.
  • Do not leave the bouquet in direct sunlight or place it near a heater.
  • Each bouquet comes with a plant food, which you pour into the water before placing the bouquet in the vase.
  • Only the stems need to be in the water. The leaves must not be submerged.

How to care for a flower box:

  1. Place the flower box in a cooler room.
  2. Periodically, at least once every 3 days, add water to the box so that it slowly soaks into the mass.
  3. Keep the mass moist at all times. If it dries out, it will hardly absorb water again.
  4. Remove wilted flowers regularly.
  5. After pulling out some wilted flowers, you can pull the remaining fresh flowers out of the flowerbox. Trim the flower stem with a sharp knife by a few centimetres, remove any leaves that will be under water and place the flower in a vase of water.

After ordering, please wait for the coordinator from BellesFleurs.cz to contact you to arrange the details. The coordinator will call you as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours after the order has been placed on working days.

By ordering, you agree to be contacted by BellesFleurs.cz, which will process your order completely.


49 CZK for delivery and packaging
Withdrawel of the offer:
according to the sold out stock
please pay attention to the delivery information
Note to the flower:
use the "Notes" field
Variants can not be combined

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We'll respond to your message in 24 hours during working days from 9am - 5pm.
The experience program is operated and the security of your data is handled by Dateio s.r.o., with the authorization of Visa Europe Services LLC. The quality of the services provided is guaranteed and any complaints are handled by the individual suppliers. The specific terms and conditions of the experience program can be found in the Terms and conditions and Privacy policy.
Dateio s.r.o. | Beníškové 1285/7, Praha 5, Košíře | VAT: CZ02216973 | registered with the Municipal Court in Prague, file No. C 216820